Friday, November 9, 2007

Third time's a charm?

Today was IUI day. This is our 3rd time around, so we've gotten used to the protocol.

One thing my RE did differently this time was that she did an ultrasound to check my follicles before she went ahead with the IUI. She had remembered that I was worried we didn't have enough follicles last time, and wanted to see how many were developing today. I really appreciated that she did this. I hadn't seen them since Wednesday, and it was nice to know that they had continued to grow.

I also showed her the red area that had developed around where I did my Novarel shot. She said that since it's purified HCG (rather than recombinant HCG, like Ovidrel) that sometimes there's a little inflammation around the site of injection. I was glad to hear that wasn't unusual.

My husband's super sperm performed well again today--there were 50 million per mL, so we were cleared to go ahead with the IUI.

It's strange that all of this is starting to feel normal. That the things you never imagined you'd have to do suddenly become routine. The first two IUIs were so stressful, and the highs and lows of those cycles were so extreme. I'm definitely more calm about it all this time.

And now we wait.

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